Why Mental Health Matters at Work and What to do about it
Why mental health matters at work, and what to do about it.
My very first full-time job out of college, I had a boss with anger management issues. He never yelled directly at me, but he would often get frustrated with the gentleman who was my partner.
I’ll never forget how his entire face and bald head got bright red as he ranted in tirades, the likes of which I’d never seen or experienced before. He scared me, and so I made sure I didn’t make him mad and left that position asap.
When a position came up in the R&D lab in the same company, I jumped at the chance to get out of there in spite of having been warned that my soon-to-be new boss was also very difficult to work for.
This boss was a different kind of difficult. He was a poor communicator who responded in more passive aggressive ways like non-inclusion, leaving out important details from instructions and poor performance reports with no communication.
I left that job as well.
Years later I learned that boss #2 had taken his own life.
These two early influences along with others had a MAJOR IMPACT on my choice to become an entrepreneur.
I’ve been running ProMotion Corporate Wellness for 28 years happily and never looked back.
Living in my bubble of self-created happy times with blessings of great teams and happy, helpful client liaisons.
Until recently when I got on the wrong side of a trigger with a liaison.
Instantly, all of the memories of boss #1 came flooding back.
Then it hit me. We HEAR these things from the students in our classes and private coaching portals all of the time.
THIS is what we are helping them “come down” from.
The FIGHT OR FLIGHT SYSTEM that won’t shut down.
The HEALTH ISSUES that quickly arise when fight or flight is always on:
HIGH HEART RATE (and even atrial fibrillation)
And ultimately, BURNOUT.
So all of THIS 👆👆👆...
Because people in leading positions have unaddressed traumas and unknowingly inflict them onto their subordinates creating more trauma.
THIS, my friends, is why I’m SO EXCITED to be sponsoring the STIGMA FREE MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK SUMMIT with the amazing Azizi Marshall, Creative Arts Psychotherapist this July!
The Summit is July 21-23; for CEO’s, HR Professionals, Mental Health Practitioners who want to learn about how to dramatically improve the mental health of ENTIRE WORK PLACES.
At ProMotion Corporate Wellness, we provide adjunct mental health therapies such as mindfulness, meditation, breath work, and yoga.
Up until now, we have had to lean on EAP programs when students needed direct mental health care. And well, there’s a stigma around that.
Learn more about how our wellness programs can improve mental health in your workplace.